No Light Read online

Page 23

  "Farran," she whimpered.

  "He is not here. By now, he can feel his ator returning to him. I am sure he is relieved." The king's voice got closer as he spoke. "To not be tied to your weakness," he hissed.

  She barely heard his spiteful words through the pain. A high-pitched keening filled the air. It took her a moment to realize it came from her. Her mind filled with a haze of shouted foreign words and fading blue light. She stared up at the top of the cell blankly. Her body seemed to separate from her mind, finally relieving the agony.

  "He does not care for you, human. Not truly." The king's venomous words seeped into her, echoing inside her head.

  She blinked hard, forcing her eyelids to rise each time. Something happened outside the walls of blue, but she could not turn her head to look. Loud roars split the air, whispers to her ear. Her eyes fell closed and she could not open them again. For a moment, she thought she heard Farran's voice.

  A trick, her tired mind murmured. She mentally nodded, as her last breath shuddered out of her tortured lungs. The steady thump that filled her ears came further and further apart, until it stopped with one last echoing beat.


  "General?" Motlin sent him a questioning look.

  He shook his head. "I thought I felt…" he trailed off. "Continue."

  Motlin continued with his report.

  He felt his second staring at him, but most of his attention was on the strange feeling in his chest. It was unlike the separation pain, but not the dull ache he felt when thinking of Sarah. He scowled.

  "…appears to be a massacre of Keane's group."

  Motlin's words jerked him out of his thoughts. "Survivors?"


  He smirked. "Welcome news. It appears thanks are warranted."

  "The king has spared us the trouble of eliminating the human irritants," Tradis said.

  "Though, your marked was not recovered," Motlin said carefully.

  Farran tensed, but nodded. " I am aware."

  They fell silent. The lull in conversation gave him time to ponder the growing pressure in his chest. It was not unpleasant. It made him feel stronger, but something seemed to be missing. A sudden blast of pain from Sarah, nearly sent him to his knees.

  His head jerked up and he narrowed his eyes toward the king's camp. "My brother has my marked."

  He saw Tradis stiffen from the corner of his eye. "The king…"

  Farran did not reply. He shoved his way through the trees at a faster pace. A sick sensation started in his stomach. His brother's words on unmarking bounced around in his head, until they ceased to make sense. He increased his pace. His brother would not try to unmark Sarah. Not after he had made his thoughts so clear on the matter.

  Another blast of pain from Sarah, and his surety faded. He murmured to her softly, nonsense in his own language, as he stomped through the undergrowth. When he looked up from the ground, the sky just ahead was a deep purple.

  "The portal is active," Motlin remarked, his tone conspicuously free of emotion.

  Farran glanced at him, to see his lips pinched in irritation. He nodded. "It would seem the king has been busy." He tried to keep the tension out of his voice, but from the glance his second gave him, he failed.

  Sarah's pain began to fade in his mind, as more of his Ator returned to him. He froze, stumbling against a tree in his shock. Lonan was unmarking her. The thought screamed through his mind. He did stop to think why the thought was so repulsive to him. He ran.

  Motlin and Tradis yelled questions at him, but he could think of nothing but reaching Sarah before her marks faded. He was vaguely aware of his men following him. Most of his mind spun frantically. She was more than a human. He was not sure when she had become separate from the rest of humanity, but he felt as if some of her had become a part of him during the marking.

  He stumbled into a large field full of soldiers. His eyes narrowed. Lonan could not even give him three days to give his answer. He bared his teeth and searched the large space. In the distance, he saw the platform below the portal. One figure paced beside a familiar energy cube.

  "C'hua t'hal heo tal!" he roared in fury. He saw Lonan's head jerk toward him, as the soldiers leapt away from him.

  His rage built the closer he came to the platform. Sarah faded from his mind, as he leapt up the stairs. A small part of him was aware of his brother's stare, but he could not look away from the small, crumpled body in the small cell.

  "Open it," he growled dangerously, refusing to look away from her.

  "Brother, it had to be-"

  "You are no brother of mine!" His hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. He took a deep breath. "Open it." A raw ache filled his chest.

  "You would deny me for-"

  Farran finally turned to him, and Lonan's mouth clamped shut. The king gave a quick jerk of his head and the walls of energy dissipated.

  He moved forward slowly and dropped to his knees beside her. She was deathly still, the flutter of her heartbeat absent. He balled his hands into fists.

  "It was for the best-" Lonan started, before he sent him a glare of loathing.

  His eyes scanned her before he finally reached out. He pulled her against his body, gently tracing his fingers over her still face. No breath tickled his fingers. He ducked his head to press his ear to her chest. It was silent as he knew it would be, but for a moment, he felt as if he could not breath.

  He buried his face in her jacket and inhaled the fading scent. He squeezed his eyes closed.

  "Why have you done this?" he whispered, holding her tighter.

  "It is as I said. It is not fitting," Lonan replied. He cleared his throat. "Step away from it and join me in this war."

  Rage flew through him so fast it almost burned away the pain. His head jerked up and he glared at his brother. "No!"

  Lonan frowned. "I am asking as your brother."

  Farran turned away from him. His eyes caressed Sarah's pale face, as he brushed her hair off her forehead. He would not leave her. His eyes drifted away from her to meet the gaze of his second. Tradis nodded. He gave him a humorless smile and turned back to Sarah.

  "I am telling you to move away from it as your king," Lonan said, voice rising.

  He ignored him, unzipping Sarah's jacket to slide it down her arms. He reached for her bare skin.

  "You would remark it? After all her people have done to you?" Lonan demanded.

  He did not look away from her face, grazing her skin with his fingertips. "She has shown me nothing but strength and courage." As the words left his mouth, he realized how true they were. He clenched his jaw.

  "She will be a burden to you all the days of your life," Lonan insisted. "I have eliminated your mistake!"

  Farran could not hold back his growl. "Marking her was never a mistake."

  "If you do this, I will banish you as father did. I will look upon you no more. Is the human more important than your own?" Lonan's tone took on an air of desperation.

  Farran turned his head to look down at Sarah. He nodded. "Yes."

  "I will consider you an enemy, General Farran!"

  He ignored his brother's angry rant. Lonan's words faded into the background, as he leaned over Sarah. He pressed his fingers into her skin just hard enough to mark her. The ator rushed out of him, snatching his breath away as the bruises immediately faded. Far faster than the first time he marked her.

  She settled into his mind, prickling slightly while the ator swirled under her skin. When it faded and she did not draw a breath, his hands cupped her face. He scanned her, sensing her in his mind and hearing her heartbeat. She slowly stirred.

  Her eyes blinked open and locked on him. Confusion filled her gaze, and she tried to turn her head. He heard the clash of weapons nearby, as her eyes went wide. Her hands rose to his chest.

  "Farran?" she whispered, as if afraid she were imagining him.

  He swallowed hard, unable to look away from her. "I thought…" he trailed off when his voice broke. He
pulled her to him.

  "I was-" she started to mumble into his chest. She stopped. "You're here."

  He pulled back at her amazement. "Of course." He froze when her hand lightly touched his face.

  Her eyes seemed to search his. "But, the king said-"

  "The king was wrong," he cut her off. His eyes dropped to her lips and she licked them nervously.

  "You were free of me. Why would you…" she leaned forward, placing more of her weight against his chest.

  He closed the gap between them to give her a fierce kiss. Her lips were soft and warm beneath his, the scent of her surrounding him and easing the pain that filled his chest. She let out a soft moan, and he suddenly remembered the danger that surrounded them. He regretfully pulled away and rose to his feet.

  The king's guard surrounded the platform, engaged in battle with his men. He noticed the other soldiers did not get involved in the altercation. He smirked. His eyes found Tradis in the fray and he jerked his head toward the city. His second nodded his understanding.

  He turned back to Sarah and held out his hand. She did not hesitate to take it, her tiny hand slipping into his. He lifted her into his arms.

  "Are we safe?" she whispered against his neck.

  He nodded. "You are." He inhaled against her hair, feeling his control approach the breaking point. He jerked his head up and descended the steps.

  She was a comforting weight in his arms, her breath tickling his neck. He let out a shuddery breath and held her against him. She let out a soft sigh. His men surrounded them, as he plunged into the battle. Sarah tensed each time one of the king's guards came within striking distance.

  "Do not look at them," he whispered in her ear. He felt her nod and bury her head in his shoulder. His lips curved.

  She relaxed when they entered the forest. Her arms loosened their death grip on his neck and she let out a soft hum. He stumbled over a fallen limb at the first brush of her lips on his neck. His arms tightened around her.

  "Sarah," he murmured, his eyes closing for a moment.

  She placed a small kiss against his pulse point. He wondered if she could feel how fast his heart was pounding. He increased his pace.

  "Why did you save me?" she whispered.

  He almost growled at her shy words. "You are worth saving." He felt her nod her understanding. The feel of her lips against his neck as she spoke, made his hands ball into fists.

  "That's why you marked me, again?"

  He tried to make out the emotion in her tone. Sadness and disappointment, he thought.

  He stiffened. "No. That is why I chose to save your life, but…" He trailed off as the city came into view.

  She pulled away from him far enough to look at his face. He avoided her gaze.


  He kept a tight rein on his control, even as her proximity was almost painful. "I wanted-" He broke off when she shifted and his hand touched the bare skin of her back. He felt her shiver.

  "What did you want?" she asked, her breath ghosting across his jaw.

  He swallowed hard, scanning their surroundings. They were nearly to the city square, he noticed with surprise. She shifted again, and pulled his attention back to her.

  "Farran?" she called softly.

  He looked down at her, despite his better judgment. His gaze fastened on her lips and a low growl rumbled up from his chest. Her eyes widened. He looked away from her. The hotel was mere feet away. He could leave her there with Private Eitad or Private Ambrac or anyone.

  He shoved open the doors to the hotel lobby and felt her shudder at the sudden warmth. He tried not to think about it. He shook his head at himself, trying to focus. She looked at him when he did not immediately set her down. He took a deep steadying breath and carried her up the stairs to the second floor.

  He would set her down outside her room, he told himself. She tilted her head to the side to watch him, as if she found him fascinating.

  "Your room," he announced unnecessarily. He let out a breath when her gaze left him to fasten on her door.

  "Thank you."

  He gave her a curt nod. "Of course." He tried to release her, but only succeeded in shifting her in his arms until she faced him. She slid down until her feet hit the floor.


  He blinked. "Sarah."

  She looked down at her hands where they pressed against his chest. He watched her nibble her bottom lip. "Why did you mark me again?" When she looked up her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

  He let out a groan of defeat, and shoved her door open. She backed through the doorway, letting out a soft gasp as he ducked to press his lips to hers. He kicked the door shut, unable to pull away from her.

  "Do you-" she started to ask, before he kissed her again. She threw her arms around his neck. "I-"

  He lifted her to sit on top of the antique dresser and pulled back to regain his breath. His eyes moved from her bright eyes to her reddened lips and he nodded. "Yes."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Unspeakable Beauty

  He was still too close. His hands were on her hips, and he could feel each time her lungs expanded. She licked her lips nervously, and his eyes fastened on her mouth. He mentally shook himself. She was young, inexperienced. He forced himself to back away from her, trying to ignore how fast his heart was pounding.

  He could not look away from her flushed face, almost growling at the way her eyes watched him. His legs bumped the edge of the bed, and he slowly sank onto it. Every muscle seemed to twitch with repressed energy. He swallowed hard.

  "You came for me," Sarah said softly, as she watched him.

  He nodded, not trusting his voice.

  She slid off the dresser in one fluid motion. He felt his breathing immediately increase, and he forced himself still. She paused, one hand on the top of the dresser and stared at him.

  "And you marked me, again."

  He wondered at the emotion in her voice. He nodded.

  She took a graceful step toward him, then another. His hands fisted in the bedspread, as he watched her drift toward him.

  "Even though the first time was an accident?" She paused, and a wave of her scent enveloped him. His eyes fell closed. He sensed her movement, before her hand touched him. He slowly opened his eyes, as she pressed her palm to his cheek.

  A hundred different thoughts flew through his mind. Her closeness, her scent, her warmth. It all made his mind buzz. Her fingers drifted to his lips, sending electric shocks through his body. His jaw clenched.

  He struggled to remember her question, past the feel of her. His hands rose against his will, to rest on her hips. He pressed his fingers in gently, to feel the small bones. His eyes lowered to watch his hands on her. His fingers along her spine, and his thumbs nearly touched.

  The sight jolted him enough to raise his eyes to hers, suddenly unsure. She moved closer to him, a soft smile on her lips, and suddenly her question became clear. He frowned.

  "Marking you was the most serendipitous event that has ever befallen me."

  He wondered if she knew how much he meant it. She cocked her head to the side, and slow smile spread across her face. He shivered, at the feel of her fingertips trailing down his throat. He bit back a groan, and raised his arms to slide his hands over her shoulders.

  He pushed her jacket down her arms until it landed on the floor with a soft thud. He took a steadying breath, and allowed his hands to slide under the back of her sweater. Her warm skin was like a shock to his system. He forced his hands to still their shaking, almost losing control when she arched against him.

  "Sarah," he heard himself groan. He looked into her eyes, the green deep and glittering in the sparse light from the setting sun.

  She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, her breathing feathering across his chin as she placed dozens of small kisses against his mouth. He fought not to move, to allow her free reign, but his hands hauled her into his lap. She did not stop kissing him, seemingly content with her new position.

  "Sarah, I-" He broke off, as she nibbled his bottom lip. He could not seem to draw a full breath, or form a single thought. He gripped the bottom edge of her sweater and pulled it up, breaking away from her just long enough to pull it over her head.

  "I wasn't sure if you would come for me," she whispered.

  His hands paused in their caressing of her back. He frowned, and searched her face. She lowered her eyes to his chest, chewing on her bottom lip. He slid his hands into her hair, and waited until she looked up at him.

  "I will always come for you."

  She stared at him, for a moment, and finally nodded.

  Something shifted in his chest, as if something heavy moved to the side and he was lighter because of it. He leaned forward to press kisses to her jaw line, sucking lightly at her throat until she let out a soft moan.

  "Because, I'm your marked?" she asked in a shaky voice.

  He breathed out against her neck, smiling at her shiver. "When I came for you, your status as my marked did not enter my mind." He watched her eyes become shiny with unshed tears. She gave him a tremulous smile and kissed him.

  He carefully avoided deepening the kiss, until he felt her tongue lapping at his bottom lip. He let out a shuddering breath and relaxed his grip on his control. He kissed her passionately, swallowing her soft gasps. He felt her arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer.

  His hands tightened on her, and he spun them to place her on her back in the center of the bed. The dim light caught the splash of her hair on the pillow. He pulled back to look at her. Her red undergarment made her pale skin appear almost translucent. The light sprinkling of freckles across her nose, reappeared on her chest just above the lace edge. His eyes caught on the outline of her ribs, and he had to force himself not to scowl. Someone had deprived her of nutrition for a long period of time.

  He leaned forward to kiss her collarbone, trailing his fingers along the top edge of her undergarment, before he bent to press his lips against her stomach. She sucked in a quick breath and let out a soft giggle. He raised a questioning eyebrow, and dragged his fingers over her ribs experimentally.